The Freedom to Connect
Freequency is the collective ritual, the achemesit touch, the creative management behind cultural events ranging from Music, Visual Arts, Theater, and the many worlds in between. Freequency represents our creative freedom and Divine connection to embrace the artistic ritual and explore the truth within our art. Freequency collaborations range from a Production Management, Creative Producing and Curation. Freequency curates and brings under(over)standing to the Artistic Ritual.
Freedom within our shared Frequencies.
Through the frequencies of love, we as a community are imprinted with memories and ideas that further align us within each other's worlds. As we embrace the synergy, we as beings connect to one another. Through this harmony. we support the backstage life as we explore the Art at hand. With each piece, we make a whole. We create art. Exploring the journey of our ideas, often finding inspiration in the work of our colleagues , we connect the audience and like-minded people to embrace the Artist's story. Our stories.
Art is a frequency that brings us together, and with that unity we all become artists. It is through this passion and experience that Freequency was created. The Freedom to connect to each other. The freedom to tell your story, your way knowing you have the support to do so. To embrace and express oneself, one's art and share it with the community. Join and collaborate with me as we journey through our universal stories.
Connect below to grab a glimpse of the tech and backstage flow of Freequency
Current Productions

AfriKin Art Fair: Art Basel Gallery install

3 RITES: LIBERTY BEGINS AS AN INSTALLATION COMPRISED OF 1,865 PAPER AND TWINE ROOTS, REPRESENTING THE YEAR LEGALIZED SLAVERY ENDED IN AMERICA The roots hang from ceiling to floor. The audience moves through the maze of roots to eventually meet the Liberty character (Weeks), whose hair is braided to resemble the Statue of Liberty’s crown. Each spoke of the hair crown is connected via tie-lines and pulleys to specific objects that represent the Black experience

3 RITES: HAPPINESS INVESTIGATES HOW LAUGHTER AND PLEASURE RESIDE IN THE BODY. It features four dancers and commissioned music by Nathaniel Braddock, played live by the Occidental Brothers Dance Band International, whose sound is a lively combination of Highlife and Dry Guitar. The rite begins with the Happiness Fête where the audience is invited to engage in a collective celebration of wellness and joy